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Project:Terminology gadget/ia

From translatewiki.net
This page is a translated version of the page Project:Terminology gadget and the translation is 31% complete.
What it looks like when you hover a term that has a definition using the terminology gadget.

The terminology gadget enables translators to store translations and usage notes in a central place, and displays those translations and usage notes to translators when they are translating. Terms that have a definition will appear with a different background color in the English source message, giving a visual clue to translators that there is a definition in their language for that term.

Le accessorio es activate pro omnes per predefinition; es possibile disactivar lo visitante “Gadgets” in tu preferentias.


Le impulso pro crear iste accessorio ha venite de discussiones durante le Conferentia Arctic Knot 2021, ubi certe usatores ha mentionate le difficultate de traducer certe terminos in linguas minoritari. Certe linguas pote non haber parolas pro certe terminos technic multo usate in MediaWiki, como "file" o "categoria". Pro iste ration, pote esser necessari discuter qual parola usar pro tal terminos – e mesmo si se arriva a un conclusion, le proxime traductor non sapera necessarimente qual parola usar pro traducer le mesme termino si non es conscie del discussion precedente.

The need for consistent terminology isn't only limited to smaller languages, however. All languages can have multiple translations for the same terms in English, and staying consistent within the same context is always an advantage.

How it works

Le accessorio functiona sur le messages original anglese, e cerca in illos le terminos que ha essite definite pro le lingua actual. Si illo trova alcun, illo marca le termino con un color de fundo secundo le legenda. Si tu passa le mouse supra un de iste terminos, tu videra le traduction e, si existe, le notas de uso que ha essite definite pro iste termino. Tu videra tamben un icone de menu sur le qual tu pote cliccar pro modificar le definition o comenciar un discussion sur illo.

Quando tu adde o modifica un termino, le definition essera salveguardate in un subpagina del portal de tu lingua, appellate terminology.json. Vide Portal:Nb/terminology.json e Portal:Sms/terminology.json pro qualque exemplos, o essaya iste recerca pro un lista complete de paginas de terminologia. Iste paginas JSON non es destinate a esser modificate manualmente, benque es possibile facer lo si es absolutemente necessari.

When editing the "translation" or "usage notes" field, you can use full wiki syntax – you can even use parser functions and templates if necessary.

"Redirect languages"

It is possible to set an entire language code to redirect to another. This can be useful in cases of language variants where the terminology used should be shared between several variants. For example, the language codes de (German) and de-ch (Swiss German) should probably share the same terminology, so de-ch could be set as a redirect to de.

Pro linguas con redirectiones de variantes, tu pote usar le ‘parola magic’ special $VARIANT in le campo de avisos de traduction e de uso in le accessorio, si tu vole monstrar o mitter in evidentia differente cosas pro differente variantes.

Click to show technical details.
Redirect language

Pro definir un lingua como un redirection verso un altere, su pagina terminology.json deberea esser assi (in le pagina de datos JSON):

	"@redirect": "<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">target language code</span>"
Example of $VARIANT

Que nos dice que de-ch redirige a de. Le traduction de "file size" (grandor de file) es "Dateigröße" in de e "Dateigrösse" in de-ch. Pro reflecter isto in le accessorio de terminologia, tu pote facer un cosa como iste (intra le definition, notas de uso o discussiones sur iste termino, usante le syntaxe MediaWiki):

| de-ch = Dateigrösse
| #default = Dateigröße

Isto poterea esser convertite in un patrono pro plus efficientia, ma non oblida de passar $VARIANT como un parametro al patrono.

Pro alcun exemplos real, vide como {{tgzh}} se usa in Portal:Zh/terminology.json (le qual ha le variantes zh-hans, zh-hant, e zh-hk definite como redirectiones).

Altere linguas con variantes definite como redirectiones include Portal:Es/terminology.json, Portal:Hu/terminology.json e Portal:Nl/terminology.json pro lor variantes “formal” o “informal”.

Frequentemente, existe un variante predefinite e alcun vices il non ha distinction con le lingua de base perque illos es aliases simple. Per exemplo, le variante Portal:De-formal/terminology.json es redirigite a Portal:De/terminology.json, le qual non distingue iste variante “formal” del lingua de base in su definitiones e notas.


  • Term – terms marked like this have a translation saved for the current language.
  • Term – terms marked like this have usage notes attached to them.
  • Term – terminos marcate como iste es sub discussion sur le pagina de discussion del portal del lingua. Illos pote tamben ja haber un traduction e notas de uso annexate.


Source code

The source code for the gadget is at MediaWiki:Gadget-terminology.js, with some additional CSS at MediaWiki:Gadget-terminology.css.


If you have any feedback, comments or bug reports regarding the gadget, please post them on the talk page.